The Benefits of Wearing Compression Stockings During Pregnancy
Swelling in the feet and ankles is a common occurrence during pregnancy, and it can be quite uncomfortable. The extra weight of the baby and the increased blood volume in the body are just a few reasons why pregnant women face the issue of swollen feet or ankles. Fortunately, there are a few solutions that can be done to help reduce the swelling. One of the most effective measures is to wear compression socks or compression stockings. Sometimes called pressure stockings, they help to support the ankles and feet while improving circulation.
What are Compression Socks?
Compression stockings are a special type of socks that help to increase blood circulation. They are often worn by people who have conditions that cause poor blood flow, such as diabetes, spider veins, deep vein thrombosis and varicose veins.
Compression stockings are also commonly worn by women during pregnancy, since they can help to reduce swelling and discomfort in their feet and legs. While compression stockings are generally safe to wear during pregnancy, it is important to always consult with a doctor before using them, especially while wearing compression socks for longer periods of time.
What to Look for When Comparing Compression Stockings
Compression stockings are available in a variety of styles and levels of pressures. When you wear compression stockings, they should be snug but not too tight, and you should ideally be able to wear them without discomfort for long periods of time. When properly fitted, compression stockings can help to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and prevent the formation of blood clots.
When choosing medical compression stockings, it is important to select a pair with the right fit, style and level of compression for your needs. Here’s what to look for:
Level of Compression
The level of compression is a very important factor when choosing compression socks or compression stockings. Compression stockings come in a variety of levels, ranging from light to firm. The most common prescribed level of compression, 20-30mmHg. Light compression stockings are typically used for mild conditions, such as tired or aching legs. Firm compression stockings are usually reserved for more serious conditions, such as venous insufficiency or lymphedema.
When it comes to compression stockings, fit is everything. If the stocking is too loose, it won't provide the required level of compression. On the other hand, if the stocking is too tight, it can be uncomfortable to wear, potentially causing skin irritation and other issues.
First, consult with your doctor or other healthcare provider to determine what level of compression you need. Then, measure the circumference of your leg at the ankle and at the calf. With your measurements, shoe size and compression needs, you have all the information you need to find the right fit. Check the compression sock manufacturers’ fitting guidelines to see how their sizing lines up with your measurements.
Knee-high socks are typically best for people who are on their feet all day, as they provide the most support. Thigh-high stockings may be a better choice for people who are inactive for long periods of time, as they can help to prevent blood from pooling in the legs.
Find Your Ideal Compression Socks at Medlee
For pregnant women, compression socks can be a valuable tool for managing symptoms, such as swollen feet and legs, leg pain, and fatigue, which makes them an affordable and easy way to manage common pregnancy-related issues. By providing gentle compression, compression socks help to reduce swelling and improve circulation, and they can help to prevent varicose veins from developing.
For pregnant women who are already experiencing symptoms, medical compression stockings can help to ease discomfort and improve mobility. For best results, pregnant women should purchase compression socks before they start experiencing symptoms. By doing so, they can maintain a higher level of comfort and lower the risk of certain complications throughout their pregnancy. .